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Alex Cenem
I designed, created and produced all the videos and contents of this portfolio,

Test video-logo callout for social media advert and website for Alex Cenem's Interface Schema communication programme - IS ENGLISH LANGUAGE
DUNIVERSA, the series, is Alex Cenem's first short film production.
This is the brief callout introduction video for the social media advert of the YouTube channel 12 episodes soon to be available.

MAYBE TODAY is a short film created and designed by Alex Cenem for his YouTube channel. Available now.
Click on the video to watch it and to get the channel's link.
2022 New Year message video - Video created for friends and family (entertaining purpose only).

2022 Christmas message video - Video created for friends and family (entertaining purpose only).
CANAL DA LYVIA is a Brazilian YouTube Channel created, designed and managed by Alex Cenem. Click on the video to get the link to the channel.

Introduction test short video-logo callout for social media advert and website for Alex Cenem's 'EXPERIMENT ACE' project
Female & Man Heads Interfacing video for presentation and social media advert by Alex Cenem.

Test video-logo callout for social media advert and website for Alex Cenem's 'EXPERIMENT ACE project
Human interaction and mental health Introduction test short video-logo callout for social media advert and website for Alex Cenem's EXPERIMENT ACE project

'The mind and the energy'
Test video-logo callout for social media advert and website by Alex Cenem
Alex Cenem Production test Logo.

Test video-logo callout for social media advert and website for Alex Cenem's THE DYNAMIC NATURAL ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME (the DNA programme)
Test video callout for social media advert for Alex Cenem's consultancy business

Test video-logo callout for social media advert and website for Alex Cenem's Interface Schema communication programme - IS ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Test video-logo callout for social media advert and website for Alex Cenem's consultancy business - ACE Consulting Human Development (CHI)

Test video-logo callout for social media advert and website for Alex Cenem's INTERFACE SCHEMA communication programmes
Test video-logo callout for social media advert and website for Alex Cenem's Interface Schema communication programme - IS ENGLISH LANGUAGE

Test video-logo callout for social media advert and website for Alex Cenem's consultancy business - ACE Consulting Human Development (CHI)
Como vao voces - Video by Alex Cenem.

Abra suas asas - Video by Alex Cenem.
The bubble inside my Head picture by Alex Cenem

Test video-logo callout for social media advert and website for Alex Cenem's 'Portugues com o Ale project' .
Test video-logo callout for social media advert/class and website for Alex Cenem's Interface Schema communication programme - IS ENGLISH LANGUAGE

Test video-logo callout Coffee & Chocolate social media campaign advert for a Brazilian start-up business
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